
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Another webcam

I just added the link for the camera that is outside in the goat area. They have a large area and the camera only sees a small part of it so you may not always see them. I try to leave it pointed at their favorite sunning spot, right in front of the chicken run. If the weather is nice you'll probably get to see a chicken or two out in the run too. You can always find the link of the right hand side of the page but here it is also.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Seeds started

A lot of friends have already started their seeds and made me feel like I was slacking. So I had to get moving and get some started myself. This year I'm trying juice containers (and a couple milk containers) as mini greenhouses to start the seeds in. I liked how the juice containers protected my tomatoes last summer. I'm hoping these will work for seeds as well. Right now I have them in my kitchen window but once this latest storm passes, I'm going to move them to the front porch.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Fermented Feed feeder

I saw on BYC someone made a feeder for fermented feed. I thought I'd give it a try so I don't have to scoop it out into feed dishes every morning. After reading what went wrong for them I made a few changes.

I bought 2" pvc pieces with adapters to make the ends threaded. The threaded part didn't matter I just wanted something smooth to push through the hole then connect the pvc pipes to. Then I didn't have to worry about sealing as much hole, just a small crack around the pipe. 

I did 3 pipes to feed ~15 chickens. I'm waiting for it all to dry overnight then I'll test it out. 

Here are the pieces I bought:

They fit together like this.

Cut the holes (used an old cat litter container). You can see my hole saw was a little too small for the pvc so I used my dremel to finish off the circle. Caused it to not be perfect, but I think the caulk will fill in the little spots just fine.

With the small pieces in place and caulked: 

All together. 

I also bought little caps that fit inside but aren't air tight to put on if the mice are a problem:

I might also add a fermenting air lock to let the gas escape without having to crack the lid. The lids on the cat litter container aren't very air tight though so this may not be needed. I'm going to leave it off for now and see how it goes.