
Friday, January 17, 2014

Red beans and rice

I've always thought red beans and rice liked good with its red gravy like coating. In A Fast Nearby she had a recipe for it and she makes it sound so wonderful. So to keep with my trying beans phase I though I'd try it. The day I made the refried beans I put my red beans in a pot to soak so I could do the red beans and rice the next day. Here's a lesson I learned, read the recipe before you do anything! While reading all of the bean recipes recently I kept seeing the instructions to soak the beans overnight, rinse them the next day then continue with recipe. So I did this without checking my recipe. The next day I read the recipe and it doesn't have that step and I could see why, as I rinsed my beans all that pretty red color went down the sink. I figured I'd push on. I followed the rest of the recipe but the beans never seemed to get soft. I cooked them an extra hour and still not soft. I cooked them do long I had to keep adding liquid to the pot and even started to burn the bottom at one point. Then when I mashed some to make the "gravy" they crumbled instead of being a smooth mash. I tried adding liquid but it didn't mix, I just had bean crumbles and liquid. Then add I'm finishing the beans I realized I hadn't put the rice on yet. I ravaged my cupboards to see what instant rice I had (those little 90 sec packets of rice come in handy sometimes). I found a couple with vegetables and one mixed grain that had quinoa in it. I chose that one since it had no added flavoring. It did not go well.
Luckily the sausage and fresh bread I picked were delicious. The rest was pretty much inedible. I didn't even take a pic out was so bad.
I'm not totally discouraged though. Since I know it was my own stupid fault it didn't turn out I'll try again one day. If it still doesn't turn it then I'm giving up on that dish!

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