
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Hatching eggs

Since we built our incubator I have been itching to hatch some eggs. I was going to get some local eggs but all of their hens decided to take a break so I resorted to shipped eggs. I really didn't want to do shipped eggs since the shipping costs add a lot to the price of the egg and the hatch rate is so low. But I found a pretty good deal on a mixed dozen that had some interesting breeds so we took a chance.
We got the following eggs in the mail a few days later.

As you can see, she sent 6 extra. We were really excited about the small blue eggs since we would love to have a bantam easter egger. We are at day 16 now and after candling them today we are down to 4 developing eggs (blue circles) and 4 questionables (lime circles). 

I hope at least those 4 make it, and would be thrilled if the questionable ones did too. They are due to hatch on the 21st. I'll post an update later.

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